Prescription Drug Addiction and Rehab in San Antonio, TX

Many people suffer from the mistaken belief that prescription drug addiction is just a bad habit. The truth is much more complex, however, and it’s necessary to have a basic understanding of the mechanics of prescription drug addiction in order to achieve lasting recovery.

Addiction isn’t representative of weakness or a lack of willpower. It’s a chronic medical condition that develops over time and is characterized by changes in the brain’s chemical environment. Ending the brain’s chemical dependence and breaking the destructive patterns of prescription drug addiction typically involves long-term rehab.

Components of Rehab

At Drug Detox Centers San Antonio, we share the opinion of the National Institute on Drug Abuse when it states that the best treatment for prescription drug addiction involves a holistic approach. Our rehab programs integrate several components that we believe are equally important for individuals facing addiction.

Medical Detox

The first important part of treatment for individuals who are currently dependent on drugs is a high-quality medical detox. The goal of this phase is to rid the body of addictive substances and “normalize” the brain’s chemical environment. Being free from the direct influence of drugs is vital in order for further treatment to be effective. After detox is complete, rehab can begin to focus on addressing the underlying addiction.


Both during and after medical detox, medications can help support recovery by reducing cravings as well as the range of physical discomforts associated with withdrawal from prescription drug use. Buprenorphine, naloxone, naltrexone, and methadone are among the medications that are often prescribed during rehab.


While detox is a major component of rehab, experts contend that social and psychological factors are the biggest motivators of addiction and relapse. Statistically, people who undergo only short-term treatment and have no structured plan for ongoing recovery are much more likely to return to an addictive lifestyle.

Drug Detox Centers San Antonio is proud to offer a wide variety of treatment options intended to delve into the deep-seeded roots of addiction and provide support for long-term recovery. The therapies we rely on range from traditional – such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, family counseling, and moral reconation therapy – to research-based alternatives like music therapy, art therapy, guided meditation, and biometric feedback. We feel that this innovative and holistic approach offers our clients the best chance at receiving treatment that works for them. After all, addiction is a very personal condition, so we believe that its treatment should reflect that; rehab is not a one-size-fits-all solution.


With a personalized aftercare plan, individuals can support their ongoing recovery through continued therapies, lifestyle and vocational counseling, and relapse contingency preparations. While rehab can be relatively short-lived, we at Drug Detox Centers San Antonio believe that recovery is a lifelong journey. If you’re interested in finding out more about our services, or have questions about prescription drug addiction and rehab, we encourage you to contact us at (210) 625-6828 today!